November Summary

Above average temperature, just 0.5mm of rain and less wind.

  • November was above my average temperature of 13.4C with 15.1C and is the warmest November I've recorded. The previous record was 14.9C in 2010.
    • The coolest November is 2000 with 9.8C.
    • The warmest temperature was 28.9C, the warmest November temperature I've recorded is 2016 with 33C.
    • The coldest temperature was 3.7C. The lowest November temperature I've recorded is in 2007 -1.8C.
    • No air frosts were recorded (air temperature 0C or below), my average is 0 but 5 days over the past 18 years have recorded a frost in November.
    • No days failed to reach or exceed 10C, my average is 0.
    • All 30 days of the month reached or exceeded 15C, my average is 26.
    • Twenty Two days reached or exceeded 20C, my average is 13.
    • Five days reached or exceeded 25C, my average is 5
  • Wind run was 80% of my average of 5369km with 4289km, the least windy November I've recorded. The windiest November I've recorded was 2002 with 6979km.
  • The barometer recorded well above average pressure for the month with 1018.9hPa. My average is 1009.1hPa.
  • Rainfall was just 1% of my average expected total of 49.2mm with 0.5mm, the driest of any month in my 18 years of records. 2017 rainfall total is still above my long term average.The wettest November is 2002 with 143.6mm.
November 2017 Summary
Mean 15.1 C
Mean Maximum 22.0 C
Mean Minimum 9.8 C
Maximum High 28.9 C (3rd)
Maximum Low 15.5 C (3rd)
Minimum High 16.5(10th)
Minimum Low 3.6 C (6th)
Wind Speed and Direction
Maximum Gust 52 km/h (5th)
Mean 6.3 km/h
Wind Run 4289 km
Max Daily Windrun 250 km (1st)
Prevailing Direction East North East
Maximum 1030.9 hPa (25th)
Minimum 978.1 hPa (8th)
Mean 1018.9 hPa
Max Daily Change +32.2 hPa (8th)
Days with Measured Rainfall
(0.5mm or more)
Max Daily Rainfall 0.5 mm (8th)
Monthly Rainfall 0.5 mm
Maximum 96 % (22nd)
Minimum 28 % (4th)

November Daily Observations
Run (km)Prevailing Dir10 Minute Max (mm)Total (mm)Min (hPa)Max (hPa)Change (hPa)
1 13.5 20.1 16.3 10.9 40 250 East Nth East 0 0 1023.0 1027.1 -4.1
Low cloud lifting and breaking from mid morning to a sunny afternoon. Fresh NE winds.
2 10.5 25.5 17.5 5.5 27 127 East Nth East 0 0 1010.4 1022.8 -12.4
Low cloud and mist clearing by mid morning to a sunny warm day with with a few wisps of high cloud.
3 15.5 28.9 21.6 8.0 34 181 East Nth East 0 0 999.9 1010.2 -10.3
Variable cloud, NE winds turning warm north to nor'west from midday.
4 14.7 27.5 20.2 8.4 39 191 North Nth East 0 0 996.8 1002.9 -6.1
Morning cloud clearing to a sunny and warm day with northerly winds.
5 6.9 23.8 15.5 9.0 52 204 North Nth West 0 0 998.2 1003.8 -5.6
Few clouds, sunny with gusty northwest at times.
6 3.6 20.5 11.5 6.1 30 139 South Sth West 0 0 1001.8 1012.4 +10.6
Some cloud but mostly sunny. Southerly winds turning NE from mid afternoon.
7 5.0 21.4 13.3 6.6 46 149 East Nth East 0 0 983.9 1012.5 -28.6

Mostly cloudy with NE winds briefly turning milder northerly late afternoon. 

8 7.4 18.9 12.7 10.3 44 237 East Nth East 0.5 0.5 978.1 1010.3 +32.2
Early cold fresh west to SW change with a few showers. Cloud breaking and wind turning NE in the afternoon.
9 7.3 20.7 14.5 5.5 31 125 East Nth East 0 0 1002.4 1010.5 -8.1
Some high cloud but mostly sunny for much of the day. Cloud increasing from mid afternoon. NE winds turning nor-west in the evening.
10 7.6 16.5 11.9 6.7 29 152 East Nth East 0 0 1009.1 1018.2 +9.1
Few spots of rain in the morning. Cloud breaking so a mostly sunny day with cool NE winds.
11 6.7 19.8 12.3 4.0 23 91 South Sth West 0 0 1015.6 1020.5 -4.9
Morning cloud breaking to a mostly sunny day, southerly winds turning NE in the afternoon.
12 7.3 18.2 12.4 7.4 32 169 South Sth West 0 0 1014.0 1019.9 +5.9
Mostly cloudy with a few sunny intervals, southerly winds.
13 9.0 19.2 11.9 6.5 26 128 South Sth West 0 0 1020.1 1026.1 +6.0
Morning cloud breaking in the afternoon but returning in the evening with southerly winds turning NE.
14 7.8 19.9 13.2 3.4 25 77 East Nth East 0 0 1025.4 1029.2 +3.8
Morning cloud breaking to a sunny afternoon with east to NE winds.
15 4.1 18.6 12.2 7.4 34 169 East Nth East 0 0 1025.0 1029.0 -4.0
Sunny with NE winds.
16 10.5 22.8 15.2 4.6 23 104 East nth East 0 0 1017.1 1025.3 -8.2
Cloud morning and evening, otherwaise mostly sunny with a few clouds with light NE winds turning southerly from mid morning to mid afternoon.
17 9.3 21.5 14.1 4.2 25 95 South Sth West 0 0 1015.9 1027.1 +11.2
Mostly cloudy but some sunny intervals in the afternoon. Light southerly winds.
18 10.0 20.9 13.7 3.9 27 90 East Nth East 0 0 1026.7 1028.3 +1.6
Morning cloud breaking to a sunny afternoon with light breezes in the monring turning NE in the afternoon.
19 6.7 24.7 14.6 3.6 25 79 East Nth East 0 0 1020.4 1027.3 -6.9
Clear and sunny with light winds tending NE.
20 7.3 21.9 14.5 3.5 24 81 South Sth West 0 0 1019.5 1022.0 +2.7
Morning cloud breaking by noon, light winds tending southerly.
21 10.5 20.9 15.4 4.8 26 109 South Sth West 0 0 1019.8 1025.5 +5.7
Cloud breaking in the afternoon, light southerly winds.
22 7.3 23.4 15.3 3.6 21 83 East Nth East 0 0 1024.0 1027.5 +3.5
Low morning cloud breaking to a clear, sunny and mild day with light east to NE winds.
23 9.5 22.8 15.9 5.6 34 128 East Nth East 0 0 1027.3 1028.4 +1.1
Morning clow cloud clearing to a sunny, mild day. Cloud returning with a NE wind later in the afternoon.
24 13.5 22.8 15.8 7.8 27 177 East Nth East 0 0 1024.5 1029.2 +4.7
Overcast with NE winds turning southerly from mid afternoon. Light drizzle in the evening.
25 11.6 24.3 16.1 7.0 30 159 East Nth East 0 0 1028.6 1030.9 +2.3
Morning cloud breaking to a mostly sunny afternoon with light southerly winds turning NE from midday.
26 13.1 19.5 15.5 9.4 33 214 East Nth East 0 0 1026.1 1030.6 -4.5
Morning cloud breaking to a partly cloudy afternoon with NE winds.
27 14.2 27.1 18.3 5.8 24 131 East Nth East 0 0 1026.3 1030.3 +4.0
Morning cloud breaking to a sunny day with NE winds.
28 14.8 20.8 17.1 9.3 33 212 East Nth East 0 0 1026.7 1030.3 -3.6
Morning low cloud lifting and breaking to mostly sunny afternoon with NE winds.
29 13.5 20.7 16.9 2.7 19 61 East Nth East 0 0 1022.9 1029.7 -6.8
Overcast for much of the day, cloud breaking from late afternoon, light winds tending NE.
30 14.2 26.0 18.4 6.3 34 142 East Nth EAst 0 0 1025.2 1027.8 +2.6
Morning cloud breaking to a sunny and mild day with NE winds.

November 2017  Temperature Graph
November 2017 Wind Dir Graph
November 2017 Wind Dir Graph
November 2017 Wind Speed Graph
November 2017 Rainfall Graph
November 2017 Barograph
November 2017 Humidity Graph